What Are the Different Types of EUS Needles?

What Are the Different Types of EUS Needles?

At the heart of EUS procedures are specialized needles that play a crucial role in obtaining tissue samples and facilitating interventions. In this blog, we will explore the different types of EUS needles, their unique features, and their applications in the field of medical procedures.

Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Needles:
The most common type of EUS needle is the Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) needle. FNA needles are designed for tissue sampling, allowing physicians to collect cell samples from suspicious lesions or masses. These needles typically come in different gauges. The choice of gauge depends on the specific clinical scenario and the nature of the tissue being sampled.


1. Enhanced Echogenicity: Improved needle visibility under ultrasound guidance ensures precise targeting of lesions, enhancing the accuracy of tissue sampling during endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration procedures.

2.  Sharpness of Needle Tip and Design: A sharp tip allows for precise and efficient tissue penetration, minimizing trauma to surrounding structures. This feature is crucial for obtaining high-quality samples and optimizing the diagnostic yield of the procedure.


1. Solid Lesions: FNA needles are commonly used for sampling solid lesions such as pancreatic tumors, lymph nodes, and submucosal masses.


2. Cystic Lesions: In some cases, FNA needles with a side port or a core biopsy needle may be used for sampling fluid from cystic lesions.


Fine Needle Biopsy (FNB) Needles:
Fine Needle Biopsy (FNB) needles have gained popularity as an advancement over FNA needles. These needles not only aspirate cells but also core tissue samples, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis. FNB needles typically have larger cutting surfaces and are available in different designs to optimize tissue acquisition.


1. Core biopsy capability for a more extensive tissue sample.
2. Enhanced needle tip designs for improved specimen collection.


1. Tissue sampling and evaluation of pancreatic masses and lesions.


Core Biopsy Needles:
Core biopsy needles are specifically designed to obtain larger tissue cores, offering a more detailed analysis of the lesion.


1. Increased Tissue Yield: Core biopsy needles provide larger tissue samples, enabling a more thorough examination by pathologists.

2. Reduced Risk of Contamination: The larger size of core biopsy needles reduces the risk of contamination with blood and gastrointestinal flora.


1. Submucosal Lesions: Core biopsy needles are particularly beneficial for submucosal lesions, allowing for a deeper and more comprehensive tissue sampling.


2. Tumor Grading: They play a crucial role in obtaining sufficient tissue for tumor grading.


ProCore Needles:
ProCore needles combine the features of FNB and core biopsy needles.


The unique design often includes a reverse bevel and a core trap to optimize tissue acquisition, making ProCore needles versatile in various clinical scenarios.


 ProCore needles find utility in diagnosing pancreatic lesions, sub-epithelial lesions, and lymph node abnormalities, offering a comprehensive diagnostic approach.

Elastography Needles:
Elastography needles are designed to assess tissue stiffness, providing valuable information about the elasticity of lesions. This feature aids in distinguishing between benign and malignant lesions.


These needles often include a vibrating component that generates shear waves within the tissue. The propagation of these waves is then measured, allowing for the calculation of tissue stiffness.


 Elastography needles are particularly useful in the evaluation of liver fibrosis and in distinguishing between solid pancreatic masses and inflammatory or benign lesions.

Doppler EUS Needles:
 Doppler EUS needles incorporate Doppler technology to enable real-time visualization of blood vessels during needle advancement. This feature enhances the safety of procedures, reducing the risk of vascular injuries.


1. Doppler EUS needles provide color Doppler imaging capabilities, allowing clinicians to identify blood vessels and assess their proximity to the target area.

2. The real-time monitoring of blood flow aids in needle navigation, minimizing the risk of vascular complications.


1. Doppler EUS needles are crucial when performing procedures near vascular structures, such as the pancreas, to avoid inadvertent vascular injuries.

2. These needles are valuable for assessing the vascularity of tumors, providing insights into tumor biology.

Kanlife offers a comprehensive range of advanced endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) needles designed to enhance diagnostic precision and therapeutic efficiency. The EUS FNA Needle facilitates fine needle aspiration, enabling clinicians to extract tissue samples with exceptional accuracy for pathological examination. The EUS - FNB Needle takes it a step further by incorporating fine needle biopsy capabilities, allowing for the retrieval of larger tissue cores. For even more intricate procedures, Kanlife provides the EUS 3-point core needle, a cutting-edge tool that ensures precise targeting and extraction of tissue samples from multiple angles. These innovative products underscore Kanlife's commitment to advancing endoscopic procedures, empowering medical professionals with the tools needed for precise diagnosis and effective treatment strategies.

Elevate Your Endoscopic Procedures with Kanlife EUS Needles! 

Experience the diagnostic precision and therapeutic efficiency with Kanlife's cutting-edge Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) needles. Our comprehensive range is designed to empower medical professionals with unmatched accuracy and efficiency.

Explore the Possibilities:
EUS FNA Needle: Unleash exceptional accuracy in fine needle aspiration for precise tissue sample extraction.

EUS - FNB Needle: Take it a step further with fine needle biopsy capabilities, retrieving larger tissue cores for comprehensive examination.

EUS 3-Point Core Needle: Revolutionize intricate procedures with precise targeting and multi-angle tissue sample extraction.

In conclusion, the spectrum of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) needles caters to evolving medical needs. Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) needles excel in precise tissue sampling, while Fine Needle Biopsy (FNB) needles offer core tissue samples for comprehensive analysis. Core Biopsy needles provide larger tissue cores for detailed examination, especially useful in submucosal lesions. these specialized EUS needles contribute to diagnostic precision, therapeutic interventions, and improved patient care, reflecting the dynamic advancements in endoscopic ultrasound procedures.

Why Choose Kanlife?

·Innovation: Stay at the forefront of endoscopic procedures with our advanced needle technologies.

·Precision: Extract tissue samples with unparalleled accuracy for confident pathological examination.

·Empowerment: Equip yourself with the tools needed for precise diagnosis and effective treatment strategies.

Your Path to Precision Starts Here! Visit Kanlifegroup.com to explore our range of advanced EUS needles and revolutionize your endoscopic practice. Elevate your diagnostic capabilities and empower your patients with the assurance of accurate and effective treatments.